- Do we take the taxi? 我们乘出租汽车好吗?
- Why did we take the student unrest so seriously and deal with it so quickly? 为什么我们对学生闹事问题处理得这么严肃,这么迅速呢?
- If we take the bypass we'll avoid the town centre. 我们走旁道,就能避开市镇的中心。
- Which bus do we take to Stalin Road? 今天我们去斯大林路要坐什么车?
- Only after supper do we take a walk. (倒装句)我们只是晚饭后才散散步。
- DuDu: Yes, it is. Which number do we take? 都都:对的,是这里。我们乘那一路车呀?
- If we smuggle this brandy we take the risk of being caught and fined. 如果我们偷偷地把这瓶白兰地酒拿出去,我们将冒被抓住并罚款的危险。
- We take the 10:25 express to Edinburgh. 我们将乘10点25分的特快列车去爱丁堡。
- Taking the taxi cost them a lot of money. 搭计程车花了他们很多钱。
- Why, he asks, do we take absence of proof to be proof of absence? 为什么,他问道,我们要忽略可以证明被忽略事物的证明呢?
- We took the opportunity of visiting the palace. 我们趁便参观了皇宫。
- How long do we have to take the test? 要考多长时间?
- Where can we take the armies of Chaos? 我们要运送的混沌部队在哪里?
- Lose interest on us when we take the initiative. 那些从不主动的女人一旦我们采取主动就对我们失去兴趣。
- If we take the bypasswe'll avoid the town centre. 我们走旁道,就能避开市镇的中心。
- Take the taxi at the head of the rank,ie the first in the line. 乘坐排在前头的那辆计程车。
- We take the book to press by noon. 中午就要开始印刷了。
- Walks own road, lets the others take the taxi to go. 走自己的路,让别人打车去吧。
- Since that, we take the tables in the center. 既然如此,我们就要中间的桌子吧。
- Take the taxi at the head of the rank, ie the first in the line. 乘坐排在前头的那辆计程车.